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Relaxing the anal muscles before penetration: Gently pushing down as though having a bowel movement may make penetration easier and reduce anxiety.

You could have pain if your partner goes too fast or is too rough during anal sex, or if your anus isn't relaxed enough.

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Cleaning the anus before anal sex: Doing this helps some people feel more comfortable because they worry about poop or being “unclean.”

5. Cleanliness is key. If you'Response planning to transition from anal to vaginal sex, be sure to thoroughly clean yourself hinein between, especially if you'Response not using a condom you can change, says Parks. "There's a big increased risk of STIs when you'Response transitioning from anal sex to vaginal sex because of the transfer of fecal bacteria into the vagina.

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Use a condom at all times, even if you’Response using toys. This will almost completely remove the risk of transmitting STIs both ways. Furthermore, remember that it’s extremely important to change the condom if you want to go from anal to vaginal or oral.

Anal sex is an Vorkaufsrecht for people of any sexual orientation or gender and is OK to try if you and your partner agree and consent to it. There are some things you should know before first-time anal sex to make sure you don't cause pain, injure delicate anal tissue, or make infection more likely.

Certain oils can damage latex condoms and numbing creams can desensitize your nerves so much you won't know if something's wrong.

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So berichtet beispielsweise die 24-jährige Pia, die mit ihrem Partner dito anal an dem Ausgangspunkt ist, am Anfang sei es sehr schmerzhaft gewesen, angesichts der tatsache Max außerdem sie es in dem website Doggystyle versucht hätten außerdem sein Penis einfach viel nach gerade nach tief rein sie eindrang.

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